Bottom  Round Roast

Is Bottom Round Roast a Tender Cut of Meat? While it’s less tender than cuts like Flank Steak, a round bottom roast comes from the rear of the cow and is perfect for cooking low and slow. This makes it a good value for money when it comes to roasting beef!

Prep the Beef

Rub the cut of beef all over with olive oil mixed with the dry seasonings. Once coated, plop the beef into an oiled, oven-safe skillet.


Roast the beef at 450ºF for the first 15 minutes, followed by a low, slow roast at 325ºF for another hour or so.

Let it Rest

Once the beef is out of the oven, let it rest on a cutting board while you prepare a quick gravy.

Make the Gravy

Over medium heat, whisk rice flour into the fat that’s left in the skillet. Lower the heat and gradually whisk in the beef stock.


Let the gravy simmer to thicken, about 5-10 minutes. Lastly, you’ll stir in the Worcestershire sauce and season with salt and pepper to taste.


With your gravy warm and ready, use a sharp knife to thinly slice your bottom round roast for serving.

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